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Radiation Safety Officer

Radiological Safety Officer (RSO) is a person who possesses:

​A post-graduate degree/diploma in Nuclear Medicine recognised by the Medical Council of India or National Board of Examination, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare;


​A degree/post graduate diploma/postgraduate degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology from an institution/university.

​AND is

​Approved by the competent authority.​

radiation safety officer

Responsibilities of RSO


Responsibilities of RSO is in accordance with AERB Safety Code NO. AERB/RF-MED/SC-2 (Rev. 2); Approved on November 4, 2010, issued in March 2011. 


Attached Documents

Documents useful for RSO 


The document, which may be useful to RSO are attached below.  We request other members of Nuclear Medicine fraternity to come forward and share their prepared documents on this website, which may be beneficial to the society. The contributors name with due acknowledgement would be published on this website. 


Safety Codes/ Guides/ References issued by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board, Mumbai and are applicable to Nuclear Medicine


  • Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (No. 33 of 1962).

  • Radiation Protection Rule 2004.

  • AERB safety code for Nuclear Medicine 2011 (Code No. AERB/RF-MED/SC-2 (Rev. 2) issued in Mar 2011).


  • Regulatory Inspection and Enforcement in Radiation Facility  (Manual No. AERB/RF/SM/G-3 issued in December 2014): This document provides a checklist for preparedness of Regulatory inspection. Annexure 16 & 17 from page 64 -  76 is applicable for the Nuclear Medicine Facility and Cyclotron facility.


  •  AERB Safety Guide for Radioisotope Handling Facilities (Guide No. AERB/RF-RS/SG-2 issued in August 2015): This document will help in the initial setting up of NM department to daily requirements of NM.


  • eLORA NM Guidelines: This guide is prepared by the AERB eLORA team to guide about the uses of eLORA.


  • AERB safety code for Management of Radioactive waste: This code pertains to the management of radioactive waste (Guide No. AERB/NRF/SC/RW issued in Jun 2007). 


  • AERB safety Guide for Disposal of disused sources: This guide gives details about the disposal of disused sources(Guide No. AERB/RF/SG/RW-6 issued in Nov 2007).

Useful ready-to-use documents prepared for RSOs


Ready-to-use documents; that may be useful while preparing departmental policies, manuals or readiness for AERB inspection are attached below. These are intentionally left in word editable format to modify as per need:






​Emergency Preparedness Plan for Nuclear Medicine: A radiation emergency preparedness plan is prepared and uploaded in word editable format for use by Nuclear Medicine Departments/ Centre. To download this file, please go to the file share dropdown in the members areas. Youtube tutorials are shown below.


Contact us

​Setting up High Dose Therapy FacilityA step-by-step process for setting up a high-dose therapy facility of Nuclear Medicine is uploaded on youtube for ready reference with the link 

  • Disposal of Disused/spent sources of Nuclear Medicine: Disposal of disused/spent sources is a big concern. An attempt is made to make NM professionals aware about the procedure for disposal of disused/spent sources of Nuclear Medicine through youtube video


  • AERB Inspection Checklist: Click to download the Nuclear Medicine Inspection Checklist. All the facilities are to be ready at any given point of time, as the AERB representatives may inspect the facility at any time, even without any prior notice. Radiology centres can download the inspection checklist from here.


  • Disposable limitsVarious limits, such as limits for disposable in Sanitary Sewerage systems, ground burial, Annual limit of Intake, Derived Air Concentration, discharge limits post therapy etc. have been listed in this document. Click to download.​​

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